Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow

Chitra Gopalakrishnan & Swati Sharma step forward and propose a new idea of a country to the citizens of this war-torn, problem-ridden world (also welcoming Anvita Jain, aka Anvita "Jhang", our newest citizen). One, where the parameters are new, the mind is clear and where the air is fresh. So read on, to know our laws and to participate in this experiment where citizenship is a state of mind. Factfile: YYDF citizens are called DRKIs and they follow the teachings of the great DRR.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wet Talk

YYDF President Chitra has off-late been very concerned by water. She read something once which said 'If the wars of the past were over land, the wars of the future will be over water' (or something to that effect). Funny thing, coz you would think that with Uncle Sam in the middle-east, it would be over oil. Hell no, its a water war forecasted for us lucky ones.
Histories of civilizations are based on water and the politics involved in sharing it. And then there's the ecological and civil crisis related to dams on rivers (where do the displaced go, where do the animals n ecosystems go, where do the archeological sites and other cultural relics go? They're definitely going, for one thing).
So the President's head is abuzz with these issues. Which is why when the President visited a letterpress workshop in Portland, Maine, she ended up making these posters about it.
Its created with a mixture of lead-type and wood-type using giant old machines like the linotype, the handpress and the ludlow.

All text credited to Vandana Shiva's book 'Water Wars'(2002). And all inspiration credited to Arundhati Roy's 'Power Politics'(2001).

Let's get wet...


Blogger D said...

love it love it!!!

8:53 AM  

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