Yellow Yellow Dirty Fellow

Chitra Gopalakrishnan & Swati Sharma step forward and propose a new idea of a country to the citizens of this war-torn, problem-ridden world (also welcoming Anvita Jain, aka Anvita "Jhang", our newest citizen). One, where the parameters are new, the mind is clear and where the air is fresh. So read on, to know our laws and to participate in this experiment where citizenship is a state of mind. Factfile: YYDF citizens are called DRKIs and they follow the teachings of the great DRR.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Madonna & Child

YYDF visited the Louvre in Paris and discovered our creation hanging next to the Madonna and Child renditions of the great renaissance masters.

Thank you Earthlings, for having honoured YYDF.

Note: Featuring as 'Mother' here is FATAFAT, a favourite candy of many indian children. And featuring as the 'Child' is CHATAPAT, the 'original rip-off'.


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